Cash Acquisitions
Cash Acquisitions
January cash acquisition activity was relatively quiet, at its lowest level in six years.
The Big Shrink…Record Level Cash Acquisitions In 1999
In 1999, cash acquisitions of public companies reduced the U.S. equity base at a far greater magnitude than ever before.
The Big Shrink…Equity Evaporation Continues
Through November, the $199 billion of cash acquisitions have outpaced the record $144 billion YTD offerings, producing a net equity shrink of $55 billion.
The Big Shrink…Equity Evaporation Continues
Through October, there have been $188 billion of cash acquisitions. This is an all-time record.
The Big Shrink…Cash Mergers Slowing, But Still Growing
Through September, there have been $172 billion of cash acquisitions. This is an all-time record, over 59% more than the previous annual record of $108 billion in 1998.
The Big Shrink…Cash Mergers Frenzy Continues
Through August, there has been $164 billion of cash acquisitions. This is an all-time record, over 52% more than the previous annual record of $108 billion in 1998.
The Big Shrink…Cash Mergers Slowing In July, But YTD At An All-Time Record
Through July, there has been $146 billion of cash acquisitions. This is an all-time record, over 35% more than the previous annual record of $108 billion in 1998.
The Big Shrink
Cash acquisitions are shrinking U.S. equity base at a faster pace than ever before…$135 billion in the first half of 1999, a record so far, with no signs of a slowdown.
The Big Shrink
1999 YTD cash acquisition factor nearly $100 billion, far exceeding YTD totals for the last four years.
The Big Shrink
1999 YTD cash acquisition factor nearly $82 billion, over 2 ½ times totals for the last four years.