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May 07 2024

$Yen No Mountain High Enough?

  • May 7, 2024

One casualty of the U.S. market’s hawkish turn is the Japanese Yen. It certainly grabbed its share of headlines, yet, when viewing the selloff in historical perspective, this year’s uptick looks entirely inconsequential. Additionally, when considering the Yen through the lens of other Asian currencies, its outsized weakness versus the dollar essentially disappears. Dollar strength is the real driver and it has pummeled Asian currencies across the board.

Aug 07 2013

The Dollar: Upside Limited In The Near Term

  • Aug 7, 2013

A closer look at the dollar’s two main counterparts, the euro and the yen, reveals a regime shift in both cases, but for different reasons.

Feb 06 2013

The Weakening Yen — Too Far Too Fast

  • Feb 6, 2013

We are highly skeptical “Abenomics” can produce different results this time.

Jun 06 2012

New Higher Risk Signal Generated But Optimistically Cautious

  • Jun 6, 2012

This new “Higher Risk” signal closed out the previous “Lower Risk” signal generated last December, and this measure is telling us it’s time to play a little defense.


Jul 06 2010

Risk Aversion and “Episodic” Factor Returns: Investors Favoring Conservative Characteristics

  • Jul 6, 2010

We expect risk appetites to remain low and investors to continue to reward conservative stock characteristics over the next 3-6 months.


Jan 05 2004

Different Pictures Of Gold Prices

  • Jan 5, 2004

Gauging how much impact the dollar’s decline has had on the rising gold price.

Jul 05 1994

View From the North Country

  • Jul 5, 1994

The dithering dollar. Did we miss our golden opportunity? Some think there is current hope for Social Security reform. Is new NASDAQ rule an uptick or upchuck? The bears are howling.