The 2022 “Tax Hike” Repealed!
In the last twelve months, spending on energy goods and services as a share of total consumer outlays dropped by 1.1%—that amounts to about $200 billion in savings (annualized).
Energy Prices In Perspective
With oil and gas prices continuing to make new highs, we thought it would be helpful to put some perspective on rising energy prices.
Oil And Gas Prices In Perspective
In light of the continuing move in oil prices, we thought it would be useful to update our inflation adjusted oil and gas related charts from our June publication.
View From The North Country
Leuthold believes the big depressant to stock market these days is not necessarily potential for rising interest rates or higher inflation, but instead is due to the gray cloud of the Iraq situation. Good news is that U.S. may be starting to extricate itself from the Iraq quagmire, and that could be a very bullish development in June.
View From The North Country
Consumer confidence now dismal. Historical analysis however indicates that good buying opportunities are typically found during periods of extreme pessimism. Currently view Conference Board measure as a stock market positive!
View from the North Country
Playing The Game (Investment Management): Some Insights and Criticisms From Walter Cabot Of Standish Ayer & Wood...Tokyo Stock Market Update...Gasoline Prices Are Historically Cheap When Adjusted For Inflation...Country By Country Union Membership Statistics