Natural Gas
Select Industries Purchases Commodity Chemicals
Well-rounded factor strength, coupled with an intriguing fundamental backdrop, lead us to our first Materials group holding in a year.
Profiting From The Boom In Domestic Natural Gas Production
Looking to profit from the boom in domestic natural gas production? Dave Kurzman examines the opportunities and potential pitfalls in Shale gas, and finds some viable investment opportunities, but urges caution.
New Select Industries Group Holding: Buying Natural Gas
Activating “Natural Gas Play” thematic group, which was upgraded to attractive this month. Charley Maxwell says it’s not too late.
Energy…Natural Gas: Increasing Portfolio Holdings
Boosting commitments in Natural Gas by 3%. Sector has ranked in the Most Attractive category for seven straight months.
View from the North Country
Polling The Pro's...Leuthold Group Client Survey Results...We Are Spenders Not Savers...U.S. Savings Rate Still Trending Lower Even In The Face Of Uncertain Economic Times..."Clean Energy" Sector Update
View from the North Country
Natural Gas…now may be the time to start taking a contrary approach. Also, improving the delivery of government services as an alternative to increasing taxes (Arthur Laffer idea).
About To Take Gas?
We did it. We took an initial 6% position in our “Clean Energy” (natural gas) sector this month, a move that has been under consideration for some time. The Leuthold Group has yet to be bagged by the natural gas bubble, so here is our chance.
View from the North Country
Innocents Abroad--Comments On Recent European Trip...Here Come The Trains--High Speed Train Travel...Natural Gas Into Gasoline?