Earning Momentum
While the current ratio of 1.37 is relatively weak historically, it is still an improvement from the second months’ readings of Q2 (1.27) and Q1 (1.16).
Q2 Median Company Earnings Growth Rates Vary Drastically Across Cap Size
EPS growth for Large and Mid Cap companies continues exceeding their top-line growth, but Small and Micro Cap companies saw their EPS growth rates coming in below their top-line growth rates.
Q2 Median Revenue Comparisons: Higher Growth Across All Segments
Large Cap result this month is the same as last month, but remains stronger than Q1. Smaller firms reversed course, as Mid, Small, and Micro Caps all rebounded with large sales momentum increases.
Q2 Median Company Earnings: Growth Rates Volatile But Positive In General
EPS growth rates are coming in higher than expected. While sales growth remains muted, the ability of companies to do more with less and maintain high operating margins is impressive. Margins are determined at the discretion of management and are thus sticky and unlikely to drop off significantly unless wage pressures resume and slack capacity around the globe is absorbed.
Q2 Median Revenue Comparisons: Higher Growth In Large And Mid Caps
Q2 relative to Q1 growth rates have improved for larger cap companies but deteriorated for the smaller firms.