What Lies Beneath....Derivative Exposure In The Banking System
Transparency into the world of the financial derivatives market is notoriously opaque, and the statistics that are available can only offer hints about the level of risk looming over the financial system.
View From The North Country
Despite the stronger stock market, there continues to be a healthy degree of bearish sentiment prevalent in today’s market.
Derivative Exposure In The Financials
Derivative exposure among U.S. commercial banks continues to proliferate at alarming levels.
View From the North Country
Economic growth and stock market performance don’t go hand in hand - the stock market looks ahead. Don’t be surprised by more wage irrflation. The AdvantHedge short selling program is updated and explained because readers have expressed a growing interest (maybe it’s the market).
View From the North Country
Is sophisticated the same as smart? Market neutral operations are supposed to involve little or no market risk, so how could the entire asset base go down the drain?
View from the North Country
Polling the Pros at Leuthold Group Luncheons...Derivative Markets Still Swing the Stock Market Up and Down
The Tail Continues to Wag the Dog
Our view remains unchanged in terms of prudent investment strategy. While trading opportunities may abound in the next few weeks, both long and short, the stock market is downright dangerous.
Has the Stock Market Become the Derivative?
You are undoubtedly sick of reading about program trading, but this “In Focus” feature may be helpful. Portfolio Insurance, Index Fund Arbitrage and Interest Enhancement Programs are now all-important stock market factors, at least at times. We also offer one controversial but probable restriction that may well be imposed on the program gang.