Sustainable Dividend Growers Turn From Europe To Asia
We dusted off our research from 2011 on dividend growers. Somewhat to our surprise, we found fewer qualifiers this time, and a shift from Europe to Asia.
Quality As An Investable Stock Selection Concept
In this note, we discuss our market-level measure of quality, and highlight an expanded methodology for determining the “quality” of a stock and the performance implications associated with such a concept.
Dividends Making A Comeback
Jim Floyd presents three screens looking for high (and healthy) dividend paying stocks. With bond yields so low, we believe there is opportunity in these types of stocks.
New Group Coverage
Added coverage of three new groups to our Leuthold's Groups publication: High ROI Screen, Health Care Cost Containment, and Fountains of Youth.
Cashing In On Strong Balance Sheets: The Net Net Working Capital Screen
This month we are activating the “Net Net Working Capital” (NNWC) screen as an active part of the Equity Portfolio. NNWC is a modified working capital analysis which, in some cases, is useful in making preliminary, liquidity based company valuations.
New Screens and a New Portfolio Sector
Stocks selected from the newly developed “Net Net Working Capital” screen are now viewed as a distinct equity model sector. Two other new screening disciplines were included in the August Quantitative Themes: “Historical Low P/E” and “Implied Growth”.
January Screens 1986
Only one of the screens that follow has economic sector commonality (Consumer High Growth).
October 1985 Screens
Jim Floyd has just completed a quarterly update on five stock selection screens. Some clients find this to be the most valuable work in our publications.
Conceptual Screens July 1985
Jim Floyd has just completed a quarterly update on four stock selection screens. Some clients find this to be the most valuable work in our publications. Herein, you will find the new additions and deletions for our Undervalued & Unloved, Consumer High Growth, Growth Bargain Basket and Bank Double Plays.
Conceptual Screens, April 1985
Jim Floyd has just finished his quarterly update of four of our conceptual screens. Herein we present the stocks that have been added and deleted in “Undervalued & Unloved,” “Growth Bargain Basket,” “Bank Double Plays,” and “Consumer High Growth.” Descriptions and other statistical comparisons are included.
New Screens…Want Some New Stock Ideas?
Jim Floyd has just run new computer screens for the Consumer High Growth sector, Regional Bank Double Plays, the Undervalued & Unloved issues and the Growth Stock Bargain Basket. There are many changes. Each of these screens is discussed with all additions and deletions noted.
Updated Screens: High Growth, “Cheap” Growth and…..“Undervalued”
We have just updated three of our quantitatively screened sectors, “Consumer High Growth Stocks,” “The Growth Bargain Basket” and the “Undervalued & Unloved.” A great number of new stocks have qualified. This section describes the screens, presents the past performance and lists the additions and deletions for each.
Revised Screening Criteria for Growth Bargain Basket
The screens employed in one of our conceptual equity screens seem to have outlived their usefulness. Modifications have been made and a new list of undervalued growth stocks produced.
Screening the Screens
Once a quarter, sometimes more, a variety of stock selection screens are run. Some of these screens are important factors in the current equity portfolio structure. Here are some highlights from three of these screens.
Consumer Growth Stocks
The new computer screen produces 49 candidates for purchase and a new quantitative evaluation formula tells us “buy the numbers” which are “best.” Two of these “best” were added to model portfolio this issue, Walgreen and Alberto Culver.