Today, we are announcing that our Chief Investment Strategist, Jim Paulsen, will be retiring at the end of the year. Jim has been a popular counselor to our firm's institutional clients and a regular commentator in financial media. He will be stepping back from publishing and other day-to-day duties, but will remain a partner and senior advisor to our firm, which he joined over five years ago.
Jim is such an original thinker and provocative market forecaster, and we feel fortunate he chose to wrap up a long and distinguished career here at Leuthold. Our research clients and the millions of people who followed his work in hundreds of TV and print interviews were equally fortunate, having benefitted from his insights and, frankly, his knack for being right.
We’re going to miss Jim at a professional level — he has legions of fans on Wall Street and Main Street, but none bigger than the members of our own research and investment teams — and personally, as a friend and colleague. His family, the philanthropies he cares about and the Minnesota Timberwolves basketball team are all lucky to be getting more of his time and focus.
We wish him well with his new endeavors.
-John Mueller and Jeff Leadholm – Co-CEOs