The Evolving State Of India’s Energy Sector Price Reform
In the August book we published an article about the Indian equity market and proposed that investing in India is now more of a macro bet. The honeymoon—during which time Indian stocks were bid up from high hopes that the new government would reinvigorate the economy—is over.
India Equity Investing: How To Best Gain Exposure?
Among EM countries, the Indian equity market has been one of the most difficult corners for international investors to gain access. We look at the market characteristics and investment channel options to consider how to best gain exposure to Indian companies.
Can The EM Problem Spread To DM? Yes, If It Gets Bad Enough
The current EM weakness is not yet a full-blown crisis but, if it does become one, it will drag down developed economies too.
Emerging Markets: Dismal 2013, Hopeful 2014
What worked, what didn’t; what you need to consider for investing in Emerging Markets this year.
Supply/Demand Dynamics Drive Three Emerging Market Energy Themes
We find hidden opportunities in Equipment & Services Providers, Coal and Natural Gas. We consider these themes longer term holdings instead of short-term plays