Smart Beta
Factor Failure: Don’t Blame FANMAG
Our recent commentary “1” For The Record Books noted that just one of seven S&P smart beta factors was able to outperform the S&P 500 last year, even though each style basket limits its holdings to constituents of the parent index.
“1” For The Record Books
Dark energy makes up 68% of the universe, yet astrophysicists are having a devil of a time explaining what it is, why it is, or how it works. Quant investors are facing their own dark-energy mystery in understanding style returns of 2019.
Can Smart Analysts Generate Smart Beta?
One of the virtues of quantitative investing is that it relies on measurable data points that fit smoothly into mathematical models.
A Tactical Approach To Successful Factor Investing
Executive Summary
- Factors are investment characteristics that represent anomalies under the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Securities possessing these desirable traits earn excess risk-adjusted returns beyond those predicted by CAPM.
The Intelligent Use Of Smart Beta
Quantitative investing has become an integral component of professional investment management, and smart beta funds have become popular vehicles for advisors as they assemble actively-managed client portfolios.
An Initial Look At Smart Beta And Factor Investing
Also known as smart beta or strategic beta, factor investing has become the hottest portfolio management trend in the last five years. The smart beta space exceeds $600 billion in assets under management.