Who's Afraid of the Fed?
The public certainly is not afraid of Mr Greenspan…..Strong public confidence now a key stock market support factor.
Bond Market Summary
At current levels U.S. T-bonds are no longer viewed as attractive. U.S. T-bond potential downside now about matches upside potential. Our 17 year old 5% T-bond target was achieved last month.
Inside the Bond Market
Asian crisis not helping much (yet), putting brakes on strong U.S. economy (except on earnings)...Asia (including Japan) will become heavier “drag” on U.& in next six months...Inflation likely to increase slightly but still viewed as tame.
Worth Noting
T-bonds are now clearly in the lead in the 1995 Performance Derby. Do dividend yields matter? Polling the pros in Baltimore and Boston.
View From the North Country
Treasury zero bonds are becoming increasingly attractive for retirement accounts and other investors who want to know with absolute certainty how much they are going to get and when they will get it. Also, preliminary Leuthold Group economic and market projections for 1995.
Inside the Bond Market
Weight of the evidence discipline remains negative, but market now in 7.50%-8.00% accumulation zone. Yield curve looks like it may be flattening out.
Bond Market Summary
All things considered, I think November's long bond market performed surprisingly well.
Bond Market Summary
The bond market continued to edge higher in the first part of April, but then the Chicago River drained the T-bond market of its liquidity, flooding out T-bond and T-note futures trading.
One View Of The 1990's
The January issue included our set of traditional economic and market predictions for the New Year.
Today’s Risk and Return in Australian Bonds
Aussie bonds appear to be a very attractive investment. But what effect will a falling (or rising) Australian dollar in a variety of interest rate environments have on U.S. investors who buy Australian bonds?
Bond Market Summary
T-bonds went into a seven trading day swoon in early July. Then for the rest of the month they backed and filled. Outside the Treasury market, damage was considerably less in July.
Bond Market Summary
T-bonds slide 4-5 points in March, with corporates holding up better. Bonds look good, but T-bonds are expected to suffer from renewed inflation fears, dollar weakness, deficit concerns and maybe big foreign selling.
January Was Impressive
The new year started with a brief sinking spell for the bond market.
Bond Market Summary
In recent weeks the municipal market has been relatively weak compared to other fixed income markets. Long municipal yields are now 89% of long T-bonds, back up to about the levels where we recommended our unorthodox move in early February. It looks like a great opportunity.